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  Mountain Bike Practice Trail Etiquette     


1. Know your role – Fast climber? Get up front on the climbs. Slow descender? Move towards the back of the pack.


2.    If another rider is consistently right on your wheel…It may not mean they want you to ride faster.  If you are consistently holding up the rider(s) behind you while riding in a group, let them pass as soon as it is safely possible and remember to get in an appropriate order by your speed when you start next.  If you do miss a hill or obstacle move quickly out of the way if riders are approaching from behind to give them a chance to make it and then jump back in behind them when it’s clear.  The next time you are riding that section be ready and see if you can successfully get through it.


3.  Treat all Trail Users With Respect and Courtesy: 

Mountain bikers have worked hard to gain access to trails and we are fortunate to have many incredible trail networks close by.  It wasn’t always this way and we could lose access if there are conflicts between users. Be friendly and expect to see other folks around every corner.



4.   Yield Appropriately: On Multi-use trails bikers must yield to all other trail users.  When approaching other trail users, slow down and let them know you’re coming with a friendly greeting.  Politely tell them you would like to pass, wait for a safe location to do so, and let them know if there are more riders  coming. When on 2-way trails you should be able to safely stop your bike if you encounter another trail user.   When approaching a blind spot on the trail or an overgrown section with limited sight distance you may need to slow your speed in anticipation of another trail user being there.  Bicyclists should yield to all other non-motorized trail users, unless the trail is clearly signed for bike-only travel. Bicyclists traveling downhill should yield to ones headed uphill.  You don’t need to come to a complete stop as long as there is room for both of you, but you do have to give them room to ride their line and that may mean you need to dismount and pull your bike off to the side. In general, strive to make each pass a safe and courteous one.  In the case a hiker yields the trail, a “thank you” goes a long way. Although the hiker has yielded the trail, you should still slow down. Not only does this minimize the disturbance to the hiker who has yielded, it gives you time to extend that “thank you,” and maybe even follow it up with a “have a great hike.” When riding with a group, be aware of how many are behind you. As you pass a hiker, say “three more,” or “last one” or whatever the appropriate number is.  It can be disturbing to step back out on the trail only to have 6 more bikes whiz by. When riding alone, a “just me” will suffice to let the other trail user know the trail is once again clear.


5.   Keep trails clear at all times when stopped:   If you need to stop, move off to one side. Blocking the trail can be dangerous both for you and other users.  We are often riding in large groups so it is even more critical to be aware of your surroundings and keep trails clear for other users.  

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